In the event that a business or center needs to charge families for extra-curricular activities (e.g., formula, diapers, sunscreen) or events (e.g., Fall Festivals, Holiday Parties), creating Transaction Types is the best way to individually differentiate between the items being charged. If you are interested in adding or discounting a transaction, please refer to the articles: How to Add Transactions and How to Add a Discount to a Transaction.
How to Add Transaction Types
- Click Billing from the Purple navigation menu
- Click Settings
- Click Transactions
- Click + Add Transaction Type
- Enter in a Name for the Transaction
- Determine if this Transaction Type is a Charge or a Credit
- Determine if the Transaction is Tuition-based
- Select the Center(s) that will be associated with the Transaction
- Select the Roles with permission to apply or refund the Transaction*
- Assign a GL Code (Optional)
Click Save
*For more information on Roles and Permissions, please refer to: Overview of Roles and Permissions
Please contact with any questions.