Centers have the ability to include questions on their enrollment forms as a way to collect specific child and family information. Centers can ask unique, custom questions by creating Custom Data Fields and/or utilize pre-set questions already set up in the system, called System Fields.
Custom Data Fields
The enrollment from gives users the opportunity to ask unique, custom questions on the form. Users must create each question via Custom Data Fields and then apply them to the enrollment form. The answers to the Custom Data Fields can be hosted in various areas of the Account Profile: the overall Account profile, and individual Contact profile, or an individual Child profile. Below are the steps to creating the Custom Data Fields and adding them to the enrollment form.
To create a Custom Data Field:
- Select Business from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Profile
- Select the Custom Data Fields tab
- Select the +Add Button
- Indicate which center(s) to which this data field should apply
- Add your Label, which is the text of your question
- Determine the Area this data field should be hosted: the overall Account profile, and individual Contact profile, or an individual Child profile.
- Set your Display Order to determine the order in which the question/data field will be displayed in the area selected
- Determine the type of question
- Text - an open-ended, qualitative data field
- HTML Text - an option to include a weblink
- Checkbox - a single check box, typically used for confirmation
- Combo - a dropdown list of pre-determined answers
- Radio - a single-select list of pre-determined answers
- Document - an option for uploading relevant files
- Address- fields to enter an address
- Multi-select Select Combo- a multi-select list of pre-determined answers
- Signature - Capture an electronic signature
To add Custom Data Fields to the enrollment form:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Settings
- Select Enrollment Forms
- Select the Action icon associated with the enrollment form you are adding to
- Select Edit
- Scroll to the bottom of the enrollment form and select +Add New Question
- Custom questions you created are listed under Custom Fields.
- Select the question(s) desired by checking the check boxes and selecting Add Questions
System Fields
The enrollment form has a number of pre-set questions, known as System Fields, for you to utilize. You aren't creating these questions from scratch, rather, you are simply electing to add them to your enrollment form. These questions are fairly standard, and are also categorized based on Child, Contact, and Account. Once added to your form, parent's input will appear on the appropriate record in Kangarootime (either the child's record, contact's record, or family account record).
To utilize system fields:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Settings
- Select the Enrollment Forms Tab
- Under Actions, select the three dots to edit your existing form
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and Select +Add New Question
- Select the System Fields tab to add the desired question by checking the check boxes and selecting Add Questions
For a full step-by-step overview of how to build an enrollment form, check out the Building an Enrollment Form.
Please contact with any questions.