Our Lead to Booking feature will help you manage your enrollment pipeline, waitlist, and offerings in a seamless and automated way. With this feature, you can setup multiple program offerings, application workflows, points of review, and visibility and decision-making ability into the enrollment requests you are receiving.
There are two types of application workflows for Lead to Booking. In this article, we will walk you through each step for both workflow types, from the initial setup to approval of a submissions.
- I. Program Workflow - Inquire > Program > Enrollment > Approval or Program Inquiry > Form > Accept & Pay > approve
- II. General Workflow - Inquire > Offer > Enrollment
I. Program Workflow - Inquire > Program > Enrollment > Approval or Program Inquiry > Form > Accept & Pay > Approve
You will start by creating your Program Offerings. To do so, please follow the steps below:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Programs
- Select the +Create Program button
- Fill out the required information
- Select Next
- Select the Classes to which the Program applies
- Adjust the Class and Fee dropdown as needed
- Select Save
- Review your Program Details
- Select Cancel if you would like to edit your Program Details
- Select Confirm to save the Program
Custom Fields
The Enrollment Form grants you the opportunity to add some custom questions to the form. Custom data fields can be hosted in various areas of the Account Profile: the overall Account profile, an individual Contact profile, or an individual Child profile.
To create a Custom Data field:
- Select Business from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Profile
- Select the Custom Data Fields tab
- Select the + Add button
- Indicate which center(s) to which this data field should apply
- Add your Label, which is the text of your question
- Determine the Area this data field should be hosted
- Set your Display Order in the list of displayed questions/data fields
- Determine the type of question:
- Text - an open-ended, qualitative data field
- HTML Text – an option to include a weblink
- Checkbox - a single check box, typically used for confirmation
- Combo - a dropdown list of pre-determined answers
- Radio - a single-select list of pre-determined answers
- Document - an option for uploading relevant files
- Address - fields to enter an address
- Multiselect Select Combo – a multi-select list of pre-determined answers
System Fields
The enrollment form has a number of system-created questions for you to utilize. You aren't creating these questions from scratch, rather, you are simply electing to add them to your enrollment form. These questions are fairly standard, and are categorized based on Child, Contact, and Account.
Once added to your form, parent's input will appear on the appropriate record in Kangarootime (either the child's record, contact's record, or family account record).
To access system fields:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Settings
- Select the Enrollment Forms Tab
Under Actions, select the three dots to edit your existing form
- Don't have an existing form? Select +Add Form
- Select +Add New Question towards the bottom of your page
- Select the System Fields tab to add the questions
- Save your draft once finished, and publish your form when you're ready
Note: you will need to ensure you are on the correct page (Children, Primary Contacts, etc) to locate the relative system fields.
Enrollment Link
Once you have created your Programs and Custom Data Fields, you are now ready to create the link to your Enrollment Forms. This link can be embedded on your website or include it your emails. This will help you promote your Open Enrollment opportunities! To create your link, please follow the steps below:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Settings
- Select on the Web Links tab
- Click the + Create button
- Fill out the required information
- Select Create Link
- Click the Copy Link to include in your promotions
Parent Action
Once a Parent clicks the Enrollment link they will work their way through the default and custom fields in this order:
- Choose center (if multiple options)
- Registration information
- Parent information
- Child(ren) information
- Choose their desired program(s) and start date
- Review their submission
- Submit their submission
- Accept or decline the Estimated Cost
Accepting the cost will bring the parent to the remainder of the form. This section will ask for additional information about the child (e.g., medical conditions, immunizations), various authorized contacts, required waivers, and ask any custom questions in this section.
Center Approval
A new submission is now submitted for the family. To take action on that submission, please follow the steps below:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Lead Management
- Select the Approval Pending tab
- Select the down carrot on the submission you wish to review
- Review the Inquiry form
- Select Resend the Offer
The parent/guardian will receive their Enrollment details via email within 24 hours. This workflow is complete.
II. General Workflow - Inquire > Offer > Enrollment
Custom Fields
The Enrollment Form has a set of default fields that will be included in your form. (See default questions). You will also have the opportunity to add some custom questions to the form. Custom data fields can be hosted in various areas of the Account Profile: the overall Account profile, an individual Contact profile, or an individual Child profile.
To create a Custom Data field:
- Select Business from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Profile
- Select the Custom Data Fields tab
- Select the + Add button
- Indicate which center(s) to which this data field should apply
- Add your Label, which is the text of your question
- Determine the Area this data field should be hosted
- Set your Display Order in the list of displayed questions/data fields
Determine the type of question:
- Text - an open-ended, qualitative data field
- HTML Text – an option to include a weblink
- Checkbox - a single check box, typically used for confirmation
- Combo - a dropdown list of pre-determined answers
- Radio - a single-select list of pre-determined answers
- Document - an option for uploading relevant files
- Address - fields to enter an address
- Multi-Select Combo – a multi-select list of pre-determined answers
Enrollment Link
Once you have created your Programs and Custom Data Fields, you are now ready to create the link to your Enrollment Forms. This link can be embedded on your website or include it your emails. This will help you promote your Open Enrollment opportunities! To create your link, please follow the steps below:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Settings
- Select on the Web Links tab
- Click the + Create button
- Fill out the required information
- Select Create Link
- Click the Copy Link to include in your promotions
Parent Action
Once a Parent clicks the Enrollment link. they will work their way through the default and custom fields in this order:
- Choose center (if multiple options)
- Registration information
- Parent information
- Child(ren) information
- Enter their desired start date
- Choose their program type(s)
- Select their schedule type
- Select their desired days of the week per program type
- Review their submission
- Submit their submission
- Accept or decline the Estimated Cost
Center Approval
A new submission is now submitted for the family. To take action on that submission, please follow the steps below:
- Select Enrollment from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select Lead Management
- Select the Approval Pending tab
- Select the down carrot on the submission you wish to review
- Select Check Availability to see details of the desired class
- If the details of the search show there is space available, you can select the Make an Offer Button from this screen
- If there is not availability and you would like to change the details of the offering, select Cancel, make your changes, and select Send Offer
This submission will now be hosted in the Offered tab, pending parent approval and payment.
The parent/guardian will receive their Enrollment details via email within 24 hours. This workflow is complete.
Please contact helpdesk@kangarootime.com with any questions.