Engagement features are tools that can be used to send and receive messages between both center admin and classroom staff with parents as well as internal dialogue by staff. Kangarootime has messaging that can be used to send a one-way announcement to parents and engage with an account in a back-and-forth communication chain. Additionally, parents can contact staff members that are caring for their child as well as tools that will allow for a virtual message board that can be used to facilitate communication amongst all staff members. This article aims to provide a general overview of messaging within Kangarootime.
Table of Contents
Announcement Messaging
Via the Announcement Messaging feature, you can inform parents of, for example, a school closure by sending a simple one-way message that contacts can view via the KT Connect app.
For more information, please access the following article: Announcement and Account Messaging.
Account Messaging
For a more personal message that should only be shared between a center administrator and a specific account, we also offer direct two-way messaging through Account Messaging.
For more information, please access the following article: Announcement and Account Messaging.
Bulletin Board Messaging
The Bulletin Board feature is a communication channel for center administrators to communicate with classroom staff. Using Kangarootime’s web desktop and Point of Care applications, staff and administrators may send messages to one another in an open channel format. Administrators may Mention a staff member for additional clarity.
Please note: The Bulletin Board channel is center-based, administrators that wish to communicate with more than one center, will need to send a Bulletin Board communication to each center.
For more information please access the following article: Bulletin Boards Feature Overview.
Student Messaging
Student Messaging is a communication feature for parents/guardians to communicate with classroom staff. For example, if a parent wanted to let a teacher or staff member know that they were running late, the student messaging feature could be used for direct communication between both parties.
For more information, please access the following article: Student Messaging Overview.
Please contact helpdesk@kangarootime.com if you have any questions.