The Kangrootime kiosk app is the primary tool to check in and check out children in a center; however, there may be needed adjustments to a child's check in and check out time. These adjustments can be made manually to a child's check in or check out time by a director or administrator, including a time entry deletion. This article provides the steps to complete adjustments and deletions of check in and check out times.
Adjust a Check In and Check Out Time:
- Select Attendance in the navigation menu
- Select Attendance
- Scroll down to the list of children and locate the correct child
- On the Attendance table, in the Actions column, select the more icon
- Select View/Edit, Select Edit
- Make the desired edits
- Select Save
Delete a Child's Time Entry:
- Select Attendance in the navigation menu
- Select Attendance
- Scroll down to the list of children and locate the correct child
- On the Attendance table, in the Actions column, select the more icon
- Select View/Edit, Select Clear Time Entries
- Select Clear
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