The Drop-In care feature provides families the opportunity to schedule their child(ren) for a care session based on a center's class capacity. The center may determine which class(es) are available for drop-in care and may modify the class capacity.
- Configure a Center's Individual Class Capacity
- Configure Class Drop-In Fee Rates
- Configure Drop-In Care Rule
Configure a Center's Individual Class Capacity
Centers may review and modify their individual class capacity (Open Spots) for an individual day or week. Open Spots are based on State licensures capacities please refer to How to add a new or edit an existing class for permanent class capacity changes.
- Select the Attendance button on the purple navigation bar
- Select the Attendance/Bookings button below the Attendance button
- Locate the Attendance Overview Table and review the weekly Occupancy and Open Spots for a class
- Class Open Spots may be adjusted by clicking the Manage Capacities button
Configure Class Drop-In Fee Rates
A fee must be associated with drop-in care for a family to be charged for the childcare session. Individual Classes require a default Casual Fee to be configured.
Review a Center's Class Default Fees
- Select the Centers button on the purple navigation bar
- Select the Classes button located below the Centers button
- Select a class that will be used for drop-in care
- Review the Default Fees and if blank, enter a Permanent and Casual Fee from the fees drop-down-menus
- Select Save button
See How to Create and Manage Fees for additional information.
Configure Drop-In Care Rules
A center may apply drop-in care to all of their classes participating in drop-in care or they may customize each class's drop-in care rules.
- Select the Attendance button on the purple navigation bar
- Select the Settings button located below the Attendance button
- Locate the Center name and select the checkmark box of the Center you wish to add drop-in care
- Select the +Add Drop-In Rules button
- Enter Drop-In Rules and select Apply
Drop-In Rules Pop-Up Window
Apply to:
- Select Class Care Types the drop-in care will be available
- Select the Class(es) drop-in care will be available
Drop-In Ability:
- Select Active
Booking Window:
- Select a time limit a drop-in session can be booked (e.g. 48 hours).
- Select a timeframe of how far in advance a scheduled drop-in session can be booked (e.g. 2 weeks).
- Drop-In - Timeframe an account will be charged if a drop-in session is canceled (e.g. 12 hours).
- Permanent - Timeframe an account will be charged for a permanent enrolled session that is canceled (e.g. 1 month).
- Select Apply
Once the settings are complete, a family may book a drop-in session for their child(ren) through KT Connect. The day(s) children are scheduled for drop-in care, their information will display on the Attendance Screen and Point of Care app for centers to track check-in, check-out times, and activity notes. Also, the child's account will display the session charge, and the family will be automatically billed for the session.
Please contact with any questions.