The Time Log feature provides a quick glance at employee time. This is useful to learn who is nearing overtime or identify opportunities for more hours to be given to an employee. This feature also allows for manual entry of employee time if needed.
- How to View the Time Log
- How to manually enter a Time Entry
- How to Edit a Time Entry
- How to View adjustment details
To view the Time Log
- Select Employees from the navigation menu
- Select Time Log
- Select the center to view (Note: this is a permission specific view for those with access to multiple centers)
- View the Time Log table
The Time Log table will default to a Single Day view of staff member clock in/out activity with the option to select Date Range to view punches for the week. The table will also allow you to page through past days and weeks while also being able to filter by the staff member's Role (lead teacher, assistant director, etc.) and Status (active, pending, deactivated).
The Date Range view will display the cumulative hours the staff member has worked during the week along with any Overtime hours accumulated, the scheduled shift, and the staff member's clock in and out times.
Please note that within the Time Log, Overtime is defined by time worked beyond the scheduled shift. For example, if a staff member is scheduled 8 AM - 3 PM, but they work from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Kangarootime would display an hour of overtime for that day.
From the Time Log grid, you can click on an employee to view their Detailed hours and their totals. The Detailed View will provide a readout of their position, scheduled time, actual time, and adjusted time for each day within the week selected. The Totals View will break down the staff member's hours in aggregate, parsing out standard time and overtime.
To manually enter an employee clock in/clock out
From the Time Log table, select a staff member by clicking on their name
Click + Add Time Entry for the specific day that requires a manual time entry
- Complete the mandatory fields (indicated with an *)
Click Save
Please note: Time entries cannot be created for a date in the future or on the current day with a time that has not passed (i.e., a time entry cannot be entered for 5 PM on the current day at 3 PM.)
To Edit a clock in/out time entry
- From the Time Log table, select a staff member by clicking on their name
Locate the entry that requires an adjustment and click the edit icon between the staff member's OT hours column and the scroll bar. This may require you to adjust the dates that automatically appear on the page (ex. you need to adjust a clock out time for the previous Friday on the following Monday)
Click Edit
Key in the correct time entries and supply an explanation, if needed
Click Save
To View the adjustment details
- Click the edit icon between the staff member's OT hours column and the scroll bar
- Select Adjustment Details
- Review the adjustment information
- Click Close
Please contact with any questions.