Centers that wish to add non-shift hours (Training, Holiday, Closure, Out of Business Hours) to their employee Time Log may use the Group Paid Time feature. Employee hours may be added for individual employees or several employees in a bulk submission. The Time Log will then list the hours as adjusted in the individual employee timesheet.
How to Enter Group Paid Time
Select the Employees icon on the Purple Navigation bar
Select the Time Log button
Click the GROUP PAID TIME icon located top of the dashboard page
Select the center the time log requiring will be adjusted from the drop-down menu
Select the + Add Group Paid Time icon located above
Fill in all asterisk fields including name, type of paid time off, date, and hours
Select the individual employees or click the Select all/Deselect all checkbox to include all employees
Select the Save button
The *Weekly pay report in the Reports section will show the adjusted time to employee time logs. The adjusted time may also be viewed from the purple navigation Employees > Time Log > Select Date.
Please contact with any questions.