The Custom Fields report allows you to export data of children or contacts and their associated custom data fields. Most commonly used on the enrollment form, custom data fields collect answers to unique questions centers ask upon enrollment.
With this report, centers have the ability to pull the data for specific custom data fields and filter by child or contact, center, class, and/or tags.
The following default system data fields will always export when the report is run:
For Child - Center Name, Account ID, Account Name, First Name, Last Name, Preferred First Name, Date of Birth, Class, Center ID, and Child ID.
For Contact - Center Name, Account ID, Account Name, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Preferred First Name, Contact Phone Number, Contact Email, Center ID, Contact ID.
Steps to generate the Child report:
- Select Exports
- Select Run Export for the Custom Fields report
- Select the Report Type Child
- Select to Filter Centers By: Name(s) orTag(s)
- Select the Center(s) or Tag(s)
- Select the Account Status: Active or Inactive
- Select Class(es) if filtering by the name of the center and you wish to filter by class
- Select the appropriate filters using the Tags and Custom Field filter fields
Steps to generate the Contact report:
- Select Exports
- Select Run Export for the Custom Fields report
- Select the Report Type Contact
- Select to Filter Centers By: Name(s) or Tag(s)
- Select the Center(s) or Tag(s)
- Select Primary and/or Secondary Contact
- Select the Account Status: Active or Inactive
- Select the appropriate filters using the Tags and Custom Field filter fields
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. Are all default system fields included on this report?
A1. No, only the basic system fields listed above are exportable. At this time this report is intended to export custom data fields.
Q2. Why do I see multiple rows for the same child?
A2. A child may appear multiple times in the export due to being at more than one center or having more than one contract (e.g. being in more than one class, or having a current and future contract)
Q3. How do I include children with future contracts?
A3. When running the report, select the Account Status Inactive.
Q4. Which types of custom data fields are available to be selected and included in my report?
A4. Non-hidden and non-archived fields are included. However, custom data fields requiring a signature, uploaded document, or HTML are not included.
Q5. What happens when a child's enrollment questions are updated or they re-enroll? Will the report pull the updated data?
A5. Yes, the report will pull the most recent answers to the custom data field questions.
Please contact if you have any questions!