Within the KT Workforce Connect App, staff members can easily submit time off requests directly to K2. Employees can also review the status of their time off request (pending, approved, denied) within KT Workforce Connect. The request time off feature is available to employees whose Centers utilize the Kangarootime Scheduling feature.
How To Enter a Time Off Request on KT Workforce Connect
Open the KT Workforce Connect App
Select the Time Off icon located on the bottom toolbar of KT Workforce app
Select the Request Time Off button
Select a Duration time from the dropdown (All Day, Partial Day, or Multiple Days)
Select the calendar date(s) requesting off
To enter dates manually, tap the edit icon and select dates
Select the OK button
Move clock feature to enter Start Time and End Time if If selected a Partial Day Duration
To enter numbers manually select the edit keyboard icon
Write a description for time off in the text box
Select the Submit button
Select the Finished button on the confirmation screen
The app will automatically refresh to the Home Screen. The Center’s contact responsible for approving time off requests will approve or deny the requested time.
How to Review Time Off Submission Requests
Open the KT Workforce Connect App
Select the Time Off icon located at the bottom toolbar of KT Workforce App
Current Requests will be listed in chronological calendar date order
Pending approval will be noted with yellow pending lettering and a checkmark
Approved time off will appear with green approved lettering and a checkmark
Denied time will appear with red denied lettering and a red checkmark
The Center’s employee responsible for approving time off will approve or deny the time off request. Please view the article How to Manage (Approve, Deny, Edit) Time Off Requests for information on how to approve, deny, or edit time off requests.
Please contact helpdesk@kangarootime.com with any questions.