Creating a Manual Itemized Bill can be interpreted as a "point of sale" bill; where you can select specific transactions to appear on a bill that you can be exported into a PDF and printed to share with a family. This provides flexibility in what you provide to a parent asking for an ad hoc itemized bill.
When is it appropriate to create a Manual Bill?
Best use would be for when ending enrollment early, adding manual transactions - like a field trip, sunscreen, or any additional charge outside of automated billing cycle. Also sharing/viewing a bill without late fees.
*Please note that if this action is being taken to correct a bill that was generated by the system, the late payment fee must be waived on the system generated bill and any unsubmitted payments must have the amount updated or cancelled.
*The billing view featured in this article is a new experience and may look different than what you currently see in your Kangarootime environment. If you are interested in learning more about enabling this view, please contact
How to Create a Manual Itemized Bill
- Click Families
- Click Accounts
- Click on the Account in which you would like to create a Manual Bill
- Click Billing
- Click Itemized Bills
- Click the + Create Manual Bill button
- The Billed Date will be today's date
- Select a Payment Due Date
- A Payment Late Date and Late Fee are optional, but highly recommended as the manual itemized bill will be considered the most recent bill with any forward balance included
- Select the transactions you would like to have appear on the bill
- Click Send Bill
- Kangarootime will build a new bill based on your specifications and the bill will become available via the Download PDF button
- The screen will present an option for you to select either the Detailed (bill will include every line item) or Summary (the bill will include categorized line items) - select the bill type that suits your needs best
- Click Download
- The bill will appear in your default PDF tool
Please contact with any questions.